July 2, 2020

110 Fitness Re-Opening Plan

110 Fitness (110), like many businesses, is facing unprecedented times due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. We, like all businesses, are facing the dilemma of the decision of when to open, balancing the isolation/lack of socialization and economic impact with the individual risks. We are being forced to rethink our daily operations to ensure the safety of our employees, and our members (many of whom have multiple co-morbidities) who participate nationally and internationally in our programs, the families and caregivers of our members, and the general public that interface with our operations. We are different from many businesses in that our primary focus is to improve the lives of people living with a disease and/or disability. Therefore, many of our members are a part of the vulnerable population who are at significant risk of this deadly virus. In these instances, just one misstep can lead to the quick spread of COVID-19, jeopardizing the well-being of many people in our workforce and participant community.

The following provides an outline that 110 Fitness will follow as it maneuvers through the various levels of addressing this serious health crisis. 110 Fitness will be guided by recommendations from the CDC and State of Massachusetts. This plan will be continually reviewed and revised to stay abreast of developments and adjust to current conditions.

To ensure that we are following medical protocol to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and safeguard our constituencies, 110 Fitness has created a standardized action plan for responding to COVID-19. This plan, which is based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidance, highlights responsibilities of staff, program participants and volunteers and incorporates OSHA recordkeeping considerations. While there may be specific considerations to keep in mind, this action plan includes general strategies employees, participants, volunteers, and caregivers can use to address COVID-19 concerns and remain safe while at 110 Fitness.


When it comes to ensuring a safe job site and wellness center during the COVID-19 outbreak, employees, volunteers, and participants have their roles to play. The following is a breakdown of the responsibilities for 110 Fitness staff, program participants and volunteers.


110 Fitness leadership, including staff, and volunteers should familiarize themselves with the details of the action plan. Above all, leadership must be prepared to answer questions and set a good example by adhering to the guidance prescribed in the plan. This involves practicing social distancing, good personal hygiene and being able to articulate and enforce the position and protocols that 110 Fitness is implementing.


Employees play a critical role in 110 Fitness COVID-19 prevention efforts. To protect everyone on the worksite, 110 Fitness has a number of best practices all employees should follow:

  • Understand the signs and symptoms of COVID-19, and stay home if you are feeling sick—Any employee who is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g., fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose, body aches, loss of taste or smell, chills or fatigue) should stay home. Individuals experiencing such symptoms will also be instructed to consult guidance from the CDC on seeking medical care.
  • Practice good hygiene—Employees should clean their hands often, either with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap and water. Hand sanitizers should contain at least 60%-95% alcohol, and employees should wash their hands with soap for at least 20 seconds. In addition, employees should avoid touching their face. Employees should cough and/or sneeze into their arm to help limit potential spread.
  • Practice social distancing—Social distancing is the practice of deliberately increasing the physical space between people to avoid spreading illness.
    • Keeping at least 6 feet of distance from other people
    • Refraining from shaking hands
    • Refraining from sharing tools and personal protective equipment (PPE)


In order to keep staff safe and prevent the spread of COVID-19, 110 Fitness will take the following job site protective measures:


  • Employees, program participants, volunteers, and visitors who exhibit signs or symptoms of COVID19 will be asked to leave the facility.
  • Where possible, employee meetings will be conducted virtually or via telephone. If in-person meetings become necessary, participants will be limited to groups of 10, and employees will be asked to remain 6 feet apart. There is to be no physical contact with paper, pens or equipment.
  • Employees will be asked to practice social distancing and should keep at least 6 feet of distance from co-workers.
  • 110 will provide access to handwashing stations and alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
  • Employees should refrain from sharing tools and equipment. In instances where this is unavoidable, 110 will provide alcohol-based wipes and other cleaning materials that employees can use to clean tools and equipment.


  • Employees should assess the unique hazards associated with 110 Fitness before entering them. Employees should ask others (co-workers, leadership, participants, volunteers, caregivers etc.) in the facility to keep at least 6 feet of distance from them.
  • Tighter hallways and staircases may be designated for one-way foot traffic to ensure social distancing practices are conducted.
  • Employees should sanitize work areas upon entering the building, throughout the day and then before leaving for the day. 110 will provide alcohol-based wipes for cleaning purposes.
  • Employees must stop at the entrance to perform their daily reporting temperature checks and to acknowledge that they do not have symptoms or have they been knowingly exposed to a COVID positive person.
  • Record keeping for temperature readings will be maintained and kept in accordance with HIPAA regulations.
  • Any person that enters 110 Fitness who has a temperature at or above 100.4℉ will be sent home.


  • 110 will limit visitors to necessary personnel only.
  • 110 will screen visitors to the office. Staff may ask targeted questions to visitors regarding their current health before they enter the job site. If they answer yes to the following questions, supervisors may ask them to go home and not return to the office until further notice:
    • Have you been in contact with a person who has tested positive or is in the process of being tested for COVID-19?
    • Have you or anyone you’ve been in contact with traveled outside of the United States recently?
    • Has a medical professional told you to self-quarantine?
    • Are you having trouble breathing, or have you had flu-like symptoms within the past 48 hours (e.g., fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose, body aches, loss of taste or smell, chills or fatigue)?
  • Deliveries will be permitted but should be completed with social distancing best practices in mind.


  • 110 will provide standard PPE of masks and gloves for all employees.
  • Employees should use masks if they are required to stand closer than 6ft to another person.


To ensure safety, 110 is committed to working with all employees as well as program participants and volunteers to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Due to the unique circumstances of 110 Fitness and its frequent participant’s classification as a vulnerable population, specific precautions will be developed regarding a restart plan. It will include:

  • 110 requires individuals who participate in the 110 programs and their cornermen/caregivers to:
    • Provide honest and accurate assessment of the health status of members and cornermen
    • Provide assistance necessary to increase job site hygiene.
    • Be current and accurate on COVID-19 awareness and safety procedures.
  • 110 Fitness leadership and staff are required to:
    • Develop a hygiene plan to supplement policies and procedures.
    • Train all participants on COVID-19 awareness, safety procedures, Hazard Communication, Blood borne Pathogens and Infectious Diseases.
    • Educate participants on safety data sheets (SDS), how to read them and what precautions must be taken to work with cleaning agents safely.
    • To wear protective equipment (PPE), masks or shields, while on site.
  • 110 Fitness is required to:
    • Instruct anyone to stay home if they are sick.
    • Ensure hand washing stations are well stocked.
    • Communicate and execute on guidance from the CDC, OSHA, World Health Organization and other government sources.
    • Ensure employees are properly trained on COVID-19, particularly as it relates to preventing the spread of the disease.
    • Review existing policies on workplace hygiene.


To observe recommended best practices, 110 will limit capacity of employees, program participants and visitors to the gym based on available space and ability to social distance with six feet between individuals during 110 programs.

  • Ingress and egress will be established to maintain social distancing.
  • Based on the 6,000 sq. feet of gym space, to provide 200 sq. feet per person, a maximum of 25 will be allowed in the gym at any given time. This head count will include staff, coaches, members and caregivers.
  • Class size will be adapted to follow these protocols. A schedule to include all levels of members is to be developed and a schedule developed.
  • To accommodate those who are not comfortable returning to the gym, the new virtual exercise model will be provided.
  • Spacing throughout sessions will be enforced.
  • Lost and Found will no longer be maintained by staff. Staff will not be allowed to retrieve lost articles of clothing or equipment.


  • 110 Fitness will be cleaned at least once per day. This can involve sanitizing doorknobs, keyboards, tools, reusable supplies and all equipment. Employees responsible for cleaning will be given the appropriate PPE. Cleaning should be completed using CDC-recommended products, including:
    • Environmental Protection Agency-registered household disinfectants
    • Alcohol solutions with at least 60% alcohol
    • Diluted household bleach solutions (if appropriate for the surface)
  • All furniture that cannot be wiped down will be eliminated.
  • Trash will be collected from the job site regularly. Those collecting trash will be instructed to wear nitrile, latex or vinyl gloves and masks.
  • Bathrooms will be sanitized daily. Thorough cleaning of bathrooms will be conducted following every 110 training session using EPA disinfectants.
  • Gym area surfaces and all equipment and supplies in occupied areas and/or touched by those participating in gym activities are to be disinfected following every class workout session prior to the next session.
  • Hand sanitizer dispensers will be refilled frequently and made available to everyone.
  • When an employee has tested positive for COVID-19, 110 will ensure areas in which the individual worked are cleaned thoroughly.


  • In entry, signs will be posted requiring social distancing and recommending face coverings.
  • Reminder signage will be posted appropriately throughout the site regarding hand-washing, sanitation of equipment, distancing, etc.
  • CDC recommendations and best practices will be posted throughout the gym.


  • Fan usage will be limited. If used, fans will be positioned to blow away from boxers.
  • Exterior doors will be left open when possible


110 has response plans in place for situations where employees and 110 program participants exhibit symptoms of or tests positive for COVID-19.


In the event an employee or program participant shows symptoms of COVID-19, they will be asked to remain at home until they are symptom-free without the use of medications (e.g., fever reducers or cough suppressants) for 72 hours or four to five full days after symptoms improve. If possible, employees and participants will be asked to obtain a doctor’s note before returning to work or to the gym.


Employees and program participants who test positive for COVID-19 will be instructed to follow the advice of a qualified medical professional and self-quarantine. Specifically, employees who have tested positive should not return to work until they have been symptom-free for seven full days. Employees who have tested positive and been hospitalized should consult their medical care provider to determine when they can return to work. If possible, employees and members will be asked to obtain a doctor’s note before returning to work or to the gym.


110 Employees and Program Participants who have been in close contact with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19 will be instructed to self-quarantine. Individuals should self-quarantine for at least 14 days from the last day they had contact with the person who tested positive for COVID-19. If it was an employee who tested positive, 110 will conduct an investigation to determine who may have had close contact with said employee. Those individuals will also be instructed to self-quarantine.


110 will adhere to OSHA-mandated requirements as they relate to recording and reporting certain work related injuries and illnesses.


If employees, participants, or volunteers have any questions regarding the content of this action plan, they should be instructed to speak with 110 Fitness owner, Brett Miller. Furthermore, while the strategies highlighted in this document can protect workers from COVID-19, it’s important to follow CDC guidance at all times.

Thank you for your support during this time and for helping us implement these protocols to keep our community safe and healthy.


Brett Miller, Founder & Owner