Monthly Archives: July 2020


July 2020

UPDATED 110 Fitness Reopening Schedule


8/4/20 Please note this important update regarding our phased reopening schedule. The original plan is detailed below. Phases 1 and 2 began on their anticipated start dates (7/6 and 7/20). However, we will be delaying the start of Phase 3 to a date TBD. This is not due to any health or safety issue. [...]

UPDATED 110 Fitness Reopening Schedule2020-08-04T04:18:38+00:00

110 Fitness COVID-19 Re-Opening Plan


  July 2, 2020 110 Fitness Re-Opening Plan 110 Fitness (110), like many businesses, is facing unprecedented times due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. We, like all businesses, are facing the dilemma of the decision of when to open, balancing the isolation/lack of socialization and economic impact with the individual risks. We are being [...]

110 Fitness COVID-19 Re-Opening Plan2020-07-02T13:19:48+00:00
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