Meet David “The Mac Daddy” MacElhiney

Enjoy our new segment in the Weekly Grind so you can meet and learn more about our fighters! This week, meet David “The Mac Daddy” MacElhiney!

  1. When were you diagnosed with Parkinson’s?

    I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2015.

  2. When did you start coming to 110 Fitness?

    I started to come to 110 Fitness in 2019.

  3. What’s your favorite class or activity at 110?

    I participate in the 6pm boxing class on Mondays. I love all the participants in class. Brett runs the best Parkinson’s program in the country. His program is rated the highest because of his time and effort he makes for everyone. His well rounded approach  allows his fighters the ability to fight Parkinson’s and keep searching for the patients’ specific needs to conquer the symptoms .

  4. What do(did) you do for work?

    My career in the medical field started with a sales position with American Pharmaceuticals. As a rep serving nursing homes I quickly took an interest in bracing and wheelchair positioning.

    I started Boston Orthotics, Inc. in my garage turned over to an office In 1997. Within 2 years Boston Orthotics, Inc (BOI) was growing too fast. From my home 1997-2000 to the Bloom bus terminal my needs were growing. We had 1000 square feet and I needed new space, 4000 square ft. and a hot shot named Brett Miller to handle the growth and education of our staff and patients. We grew up to our present 8000 square feet.

    Ironically, Brett and I worked with individuals with Huntington’s, ALS, MS, Parkinson’s, and other diseases. We would sit on the floor and fit a custom wheelchair for the patient. We did all we could do to make them comfortable and we would spend time listening to their stories. With all the patients we helped, I figured God would never give me a terrible disease, because we donated a lot of our time helping with these neurological  diseases.

    Brett and I are very lucky. Within our business we have been pulled back and forth and we can’t believe my Parkinson’ has strengthened our friendship (Brett’s son, Blake, is my godson).

    I have served on the board of Directors for Huntington’s Disease for 3-4 years. I still am active with walk-a-thons.

  5. What would you like us to know about you and your family?

    I am married with two daughters Taryn and Taylor and both assist with BOI. My wife is from England and we visit Europe a lot. We have homes in Italy and England. We are always on the go. I have a  Brother, Neil who lives in Hingham and a sister Jean, who lives in the finger lakes region of New York in the summer and Fort Myers, Florida in the winter.

  6. Any fun hobbies you’d like to share?

    My hobbies, include  fishing on the Charles River which is right behind my house. It’s very peaceful and very calming.  Hiking with my wife Lesley and dog Smudge is on the top of my list. The Monday night class is very fond of Smudge and go out to pet the golden doodle. I stay an extra 10-15 minutes so he can enjoy all the attention from our class.

  7. How has 110 Fitness impacted your life outside of the gym?

    Exercise is critical to slow down or reverse the Parkinson’s. At 62 I can’t play the contact sports as I used to ( football, basketball, Volley Ball)  and now I am  learning how to play golf . I hope it gives me some extra competition, confidence, and keeps me active till at least 80 maybe 90? Only god knows that answer.